Yes, Ontario insurance is a wreck, so you need to shop around
The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) told us what we already know: Auto insurance rates in Ontario are the highest in the land. In fact, they’re higher by an average of 55 per cent.
The Liberal government promised cuts of 15 per cent back in 2013; that measure was supposed to be in place by mid-2015, a goal we all watched go streaming by with nary a nudge. They’ve since declared it was always a “stretch” goal, whatever that is. Kind of like an alternative fact, perhaps.
Auto insurance has always been a hot election issue, and the timing of the current whipping is expected. One thing to keep in mind? Every party has screwed the pooch when it comes to this topic, with the NDP handing a fumbled ball to two successive Conservative governments who bobbled it to the incoming Liberals. They’re all as bad as each other at promising to do something, then opening the box the day after the election and grimacing.
It’s a mess.
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