
How to Fix Your Driving Record: Overcome being a High Risk Driver in Ontario

How to Fix Your Driving Record: Overcome being a High Risk Driver in Ontario

Being labeled a high risk driver in Ontario, Canada can have a significant impact on your car insurance rates and your ability to get coverage. In this article, we’ll explore what it means to be a high risk driver and what steps you can take to improve your driving record and lower your insurance premiums.


What is a High Risk Driver?


In Ontario, drivers are considered high risk if they have a history of accidents, traffic violations, or license suspensions. Insurance companies use a driver’s record to assess their risk level and determine their premiums. If you have a poor driving record, you may be considered a high risk driver and could be charged higher insurance rates or be denied coverage altogether.


How to Fix Your Driving Record


If you’re labeled a high risk driver, it’s important to take steps to improve your driving record. Here are a few things you can do to help improve your record:

  1. Drive safely: This may seem like an obvious solution, but driving safely is the best way to prevent accidents and traffic violations. Always obey traffic laws, avoid distractions, and drive defensively.
  2. Take a defensive driving course: Taking a defensive driving course can help you become a safer driver and may also help you lower your insurance premiums.
  3. Improve your credit score: In Ontario, insurance companies can use your credit score to determine your rates. Improving your credit score may help you qualify for better rates.
  4. Shop around for insurance: Different insurance companies have different rates and policies. Shopping around can help you find the best coverage at the most affordable price.
  5. Consider a usage-based insurance policy: Some insurance companies offer usage-based insurance policies that allow you to pay for coverage based on how much you drive and how safely you drive. This may be a good option if you have a poor driving record.


Being labeled a high risk driver in Ontario, Canada can be a frustrating and expensive experience. However, by taking steps to improve your driving record and working with an experienced insurance provider, you can lower your insurance rates and get the coverage you need. Remember to always drive safely and obey traffic laws, and consider taking a defensive driving course or shopping around for insurance to find the best rates. With patience and persistence, you can work towards fixing your high risk driver status and become a safer, more responsible driver.


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